Comeback Days
I thought it would be important to share about comebacks. I’ll explain what a comeback is for me as I have been practicing today due to my cranky hormones that make me feel like the flight part of “fight or flight” after every little thing that doesn’t go my way, which with a toddler...the day never goes perfectly how *I* want it to.

Today has been one of those days! It’s so easy to let your emotions and feelings win! I realize now that resisting against it even with the tiniest action can help. For example I was trying to be patient with Leander and play with him, when he threw a toy at me. I reacted by saying, “I’m not going to play with you if you throw things at me.” And then I went to my room and flopped onto the bed feeling mad that I was being so sensitive (I knew this was hormones) but I still had to make a choice of what to do. After a few seconds I got up got dressed, washed my face, and did a really quick freshen up with makeup. In the mean time Leander came in the room and started playing and then asked for a “tent” with the blankets, something he discovered a few days ago when I was changing the sheets, so I did. Just that action of getting up and dressed really changed my “sorry for myself” attitude. This was redemption in a small way! Redemption is putting him down for an early nap so you can walk the dog later before dark (he’s a late napper) because you couldn’t get it together to go this morning. Or choosing to eat breakfast at the same time as him with no distractions (which admittedly sometimes I use breakfast as a way to distract him so I can do something else #lame).
There have been so many fails on my part today, and so many small minuscule triumphs (like throwing one diaper that was laying around in the garbage or putting away one clean dish even though the rest is a mess). It’s really the little things that make a big difference. I write this (hastily and little edited) because I just want to get it out there.
I see you, mamas, who try again, and again, and again to have a good attitude and choose the higher road (which shouldn’t be hard when it’s you against a toddler... sometimes I choose more similar reactions to the latter). It probably doesn’t get easier or even second nature to choose joy and peace, but it’s worth it. Even if it’s baby steps. I know I’m going to really try to keep making this day a good day, even if there have been repeated moments of wanting to send Kyle a text saying “I’m having a really bad day!” (Choosing not to do that is also a triumph and death to self because... what’s he able to do about my day from work? Nothing except feel bad).
On the long days when it’s just you, a toddler, your roller coaster emotions (just me?), a dog with muddy feet, and a pretty messy house (and 7 dozen cookies you haven’t baked yet for an exchange tomorrow)... just choose one little thing at a time that sends you in the right direction. Mountains are climbed one step at a time, I must get on my way to conquer my Everest of the day... today it’s the kitchen and cookies and a bit of intentional cheerfulness, which compared to myself this morning is a big comeback. My friends, these are the comeback days, and aren’t they the best stories anyways?
This is Leander asking to watch Rescue Bots and me saying, “I don’t mind if you do, so I can drink this espresso that I patiently let you help me make.”
Love this so much! Way to make a comeback!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for listening to my complaining before I changed my perspective!