Four Things:

2. Now onto home improvement. We have this doorway in our kitchen that goes to the backdoor/basement. It is in pretty rough shape, we took the hardware off but it has all the holes and spots where the hinges were and such from before the door went missing. I am planning on fixing it up with putty and some paint and adding a chalkboard wall next to it! I am very excited about this project because like my front door (that I painted blue) I think I can do this one on my own. It will also keep me occupied from bigger projects like painting the entire living room and kitchen.
3. Since we were on the topic of Pier 1, decorating, projects, and budgets, I have some exciting news! Okay, it's not really news, but it is a possibility that I am excited about and grateful for. Since working two jobs I have really felt the need to have a goal, something that I will work that extra shift a day for and something that will keep me from complaining. That goal is Mexico, baby! Ever since (almost) a year ago when we went to the Mayan Riviera on our honeymoon we have been dreaming about going back. To that place where the Coronas and blended drinks flow freely, where I can sit on the beach and read for hours while Kyle snorkels, where our only decision is if we should go to the quiet pool or the beach, where there are no schedules or alarm clocks, where it is just. So. Nice.
Take me back! |
Kyle brought it up, which was a huge win for me because I had been thinking about it a lot and didn't know if he would think it's a good idea since we just bought a house and all, so I was so happy he did! We even have some friends who also got married within the last year, who also went to Maya, who have also been planning on going back, so it will probably be a couples trip. Long story short, Pier 1= Mexico. And also really saving our pennies! ...or our nickels as someone brought to my attention (R.I.P. pennies).
4. I just realized last night that Downton Abbey is back!!! I have two episodes with my name on it and I am almost giddy..I'm pretty sure when that theme music starts I may just dance a jig. (R.I.P. youknowwho) (no spoilers on my blog).
So before I bring up past Downton emotions that I still have to deal with, I should probably just finish up and watch the new episodes.
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