Old Fashioned
Today I was sitting in my car about to head into a coffee shop to write down some ideas about how to get more focused in life (less social media, more prayer, food, exercise etc), and what do I find myself doing? Scrolling though my phone. I tell you it drives me crazy when I realize I've just killed 20 mins scrolling through insertsocialmediaplatformhere and didn't really make time for the things I wanted to do, all the many things that are way more important.
While I was scrolling I came across a blog post from a dear friend from back home! Her name is Val and she is pretty great. You can find her post here. Anyways the two things I got out of it were that two things I need are discipline and accountability!
Last month I was in a challenge group doing a workout vid called PiYo. It was awesome! I was feeling so great, but as soon as it was over... I basically quit. Life got busy and since no accountability... Ya. I guess I don't need to go into detail because I need discipline in almost every area of my life! Now that I'm sharing this publicly there's some accountability (so Mom, Amanda, and Val)
I am really trying to get back on track with things now that I have a work routine going and have cut back on my hours a little bit.
One thing I want to try this week is being a bit more old fashioned. Maybe use my phone or the internet less, pray and read more, cook more, go for more walks, and just slow down a bit. I really think it makes a difference. I am going to see if I can regulate myself without going cold turkey on things like Instagram and Pinterest. I do know that I want to avoid the newsfeed on Facebook and just check messages and notifications. Maybe that will be my main thing to start with. I'll let you know how it goes! Oh, and blogging for accountability! It's been quite enjoyable!

And a vignette! Thought I would post even though I'm not doing the whole 31 days thing, you can check it out over at Nesting Place, this lovely woman really knows how to make a house a home. Her motto is "it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful" which is actually way more realistic for me because Pinterest can definitely make you unsatisfied with what you have! Or try to make what you have look "perfect", I am going to try to be real with the photos I post and not overthink the shot (like maybe I could have moved that kleenex box or the phone cord), I will still try to post beautiful pictures, I just don't want to become obsessive. I am trying to practice being content with my things and my house and making it cozy right where it's at. It has actually been going well especially with the little projects I've been doing and the ongoing deep cleaning process of a new home. Also fall has been great for that little extra pop of seasonal comfort! I love being in my home!
On that note I will get some rest and try out this old fashioned thing.
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