Glittery Glory

Do you think that if you had never seen snow falling before, not the huge flaky kind, but the light sparkly kind, you would think it was glitter falling from the sky? The way it dusts everything and how the ground ahead of you is shimmering, wouldn't it be the most beautiful thing you had ever seen?

That was me last night as I was leaving a meeting, walking to my car and just being re-amazed at how beautiful it was! I love things that sparkle. What a wonderful gift God has given us in the natural world around us. I take it for granted far too often.

A lot of my favourite saints, such as Bl.Pier Giorgio Frassati and St.Gianna, had such a strong appreciation of nature. Pier Giorgio said:

“… if it weren’t for my studies, I would spend entire days up in the pure mountain air, contemplating the greatness of the Creator.”

I think there is something to be thought about the way we perceive nature, after all it was created all for us. What a beautiful way to love God and to bring your attention always back to Him, by noticing the gift of the outside. Even the sky proclaims the glory of God! (Psalm 19) I'd venture to say especially the sky!

I think I would do well to be more grateful, even for this wintery weather, however cold it may seem!


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