Cold Season

coffee elixir + book and you're off to a good start (see tip 7)

As promised here is a list of what I do when I am starting or fighting a cold! I’m not an expert or a health coach or whatever so take this with your own common sense.

I love fighting colds for some reasons...maybe because it sucks so much having a cold that I like to see how fast I can kick it? This year I’ve had two colds, one lasted two days and one three days. The one I’m on now I’m hoping will be only a few days as well...we’ll see... sometimes I don’t give myself enough rest which isn’t listed in the tips but should be the number one tip! 

Here is how I overdrive on the natural remedies when in cold fighting mode, in no particular order, I just choose what I think will help the most at the time. 

1. Water 

Start drinking more than usual amount of water! All day! And every time you wake up in the night. 

2. Supplements

This is not the time to slack on taking your daily vitamins! I always take a lot of extra vitamin C in the morning and at night. 

3. A Tablespoon of White Vinegar

I’ve done this every time I’m at the start of a sore throat since my friends Mom recommended it. Something about the vinegar may just fight off infection? Like I said not a health professional but this seems to stop sore throats for me. 

4. Tea + Lemon + ACV

Tea all day (herbal or detox) I always add half a lemon and a teaspoon-tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar if you can stand the taste. Also add some local honey if you need it sweeter. I try to drink 1-3 cups a day. I use Arbonne Herbal Detox tea and also just discovered Seabuckthorn Leaf tea with ginger! (If you are local to Saskatoon I found this at the Farmers Market)  Both are refreshing and full of antioxidants. 

5. Essential Oils

I’m not an oil expert but I know there are a ton that can help fight colds! What I usually do is either dilute in my hand or make a pre-made roller bottle with: lemon, OnGuard, and/or Tea Tree Oil. Whatever I have on hand. I rub this on my throat and chest maybe... 4 times a day? I think every 2-4 hours is fine and definitely before I go to sleep (preferably earlier than normal).

6. Detox Baths

If you can do this every day you are fighting a cold it is most beneficial! I try to every evening or in the afternoon while Leander naps. I use lots of Epsom salts, Arbonne Detox bath salts, essential oils...basically whatever I have on hand and soak for at least 20 minutes! Bonus if you can dry brush beforehand or use a body scrub in the tub for circulation of the lymphatic system to help your body detox! And I try to drink about a litre of water while in the bath to rehydrate. Fighting a cold might require you to pee more often. This is good! 

7. Superfood Coffee Elixir 

This is an amazing drink if you don’t want to give up coffee while you fight your cold! It takes getting used to the taste, but I always feel like it gives me a boost! Here's the recipe: Coffee Elixir

8. Golden Milk

Another great drink for fighting off sickness or for maintenance of good health! Here is my friend Kalli from KY Fitness and Nutrition's recipe: Golden Milk

9. Smoothies

Drinks are huge for me when I’m sick! I don’t usually have much of an appetite so if I can drink the nutrients, all the better! I try to start the day with a protein smoothie full of awesome ingredients like veggies, chia, hemp hearts, ginger, turmeric, cacao powder, raw maca root powder, berries, cucumber, orange, spinach (insert fruit and veggies here), and a protein powder, I like vegan vs whey because the dairy can cause tummy trouble for me! I use a vegan meal replacement shake with added vitamins. Such a great way to give your body extra support to fight this cold!! And then I try to eat other meals but have to try hard not to let the tired/ lazy part of having a cold take over and actually make some good food! Frozen soups are a lifesaver! 

10. Onion for Coughs

I haven’t had a cough linger this year! Yay! But I have used this in the past and it is a great way to fight a cough naturally and really works! You just have to get over the taste. It’s better to be stinky than coughing up a lung right? Here is the recipe: Honey Onion Cough Syrup

11. This little health shot for a boost at the start of a cold! Hope you can read the recipe ok! From Kaetlyn Anne's Blog I only have a screen shot of the recipe but she has a ton of awesome stuff on her blog worth checking out!

I think 11 tips should cut it and that’s all I could think of for now! Let me know if you try any of these remedies! Especially the yummy drinks! They are great for cold season even if you aren’t sick to boost your immune system! 

Thanks for reading and hope you feel better soon! 


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